FlyFF (Fly for fun) is an amazing game. It is definitly the type of game runescape players would like. (An MMORPG) Go to and click on FlyFF tab at the top left corner right after the first word that has a weird looking boxy symbol then i says Flyff. Theres alot of diffrent ways to download it i reccomend filefront or fileplanet downloads. If you need help with any of the you can ask people or check the website but theres not much. I'll go over a little bit but i'm just scratching the surface. So go ahead and check this out if you don't wanna read this post forever. or go to or go to
Ok you kill monsters, gain levels, get skills, and stuff like that. It has really good graphics but for those who havent played games like Maple Story or World of Warcraft (WoW) the controls may be confusing at first. Upon becoming level 15 you can change your class or 'job' by completing a quest. The jobs to choose from are as follows: Acrobat, Mage, Mercenary, and Assist. A quick runthrough of each; Acrobats use bows and yo-yo's for a little ranged combat. Mercenanies use swords and axes for fast strong, close ranged melee type attacks. Assists use sticks and knuckles and are more about healing than anything. For all of you who would rather be at a distance and use some colorful spells to annihlate your opponenet pick Mage who base all their stregth on intelligence. And that brings me to...stats! Stats determine how you will fight in battle. Theres STR (strength), STA (Stamina), DEX (Dexterity), and INT (Intellignece). My hand is starting to hurt so i'll skim over each real fast. STR is attack power. STA is defense. DEX is critical %, attack speed, and dodge rate. INT is magic power. (DEX also determines bow users damage). Also once you reach lvl 60 you can be Psychiper (Psy), Elementer (Ele), Ranger, Jester, Ring Master (RM), Bill Poster (BP), Blade, Knight ok well if you were mage at lvl 15 you can become Elementer which only uses staffs and it has 19 skills or you can become Psychiper (Which can levitate) and only uses wands and shileds it has 8 skills most say Psychiper is better im Psy and i agree -- if you were Acrobat then you could become Ranger which only uses bows (bows you have to pay for it 1 penya for 1 bow) and Ranger has 8 skills or you could beome Jester which only uses yo-yo's has 8 skills you will see a lot more Rangers than Jesters tho I myself am going to make my Acro a Ranger so id choose Ranger -- if you were Assist then you could become Ring Master which only uses the stick wepon they have 8 skills or you could become Bill Poster which only uses knuckles and has 8 skills you will see alot more Bill Poster's than Ring Masters but is choose Ring Masters because then you can buff yourself and youd never have to kill anything you will see alot of people trying to find a Ring Master so there you go easy lvling without fighting -- if you were Mercenary then you could become Blade they only use swords but they use 2 swords instead of one like when you were Mercenary they have 8 skills or you could become knight which uses ethir a sword or a axe but they are really big and heavy but to do the good skills you would probably need to get a axe they work better and there stonger id choose blade because you relly dont have to use skills you can just free hit but i dont like knights because there wepons like are in the ground when you stand still so it looks weird to me lol and ~COMING SOON~ well i can't say much more if you want to learn more about the skills and all the classes and see what the skills do and how they work go to the link below
Look at the link below to see what the skill tree looks like.
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