Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Ok, So I see that you guys have a slight problem some cant see my pidgeon but instead a wizard or a gini. Not my pidgeon so I've come up with the solution you have to download 2 things now iI can give you the 2 links that go straight to what you need to download now if your wondering what the links are is one link is for you to hear my parrot actualy talk and the other one is for you to see my acctual pidgeon because without seeing my pidgeon then half the stuff it says wont make sence so here are the 2 link
http://www.bellcraft.com/mash/chars.aspx The very first character is peddy the parrot download him so you can see my pidgeon yea I know its a parrot but i like pidgens lol
Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine (English) (6MB) Just click on this link and then download for him to speak
The Speech Recognition Engine is required if you want Microsoft Agent to support speech recognition. Due to the download size of the Speech Recognition Engine, it was decided not to include it as a part of MASH, but as a separate download.
Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine (English) (6MB)
Please note that the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine does not support dictation, but rather is used to interact with users through defined command phrases.
http://www.bellcraft.com/mash/chars.aspx The very first character is peddy the parrot download him so you can see my pidgeon yea I know its a parrot but i like pidgens lol
Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine (English) (6MB) Just click on this link and then download for him to speak
The Speech Recognition Engine is required if you want Microsoft Agent to support speech recognition. Due to the download size of the Speech Recognition Engine, it was decided not to include it as a part of MASH, but as a separate download.
Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine (English) (6MB)
Please note that the Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine does not support dictation, but rather is used to interact with users through defined command phrases.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Welcome To The World Of Flyff PK-ing
Welcome to the world of PKing! In this segment of our blog you'll learn all about the wonderfull ways of the PKers. As a PKer you'll have the awsome perks the fear of all who see you, all the money or items that you could ever want, and the freedom of killinng innocent noobs just because you can! I can tell you from experince that PKing can be difficult without the proper tools and stratiges. Now lets get started! First off, the proper tools, as a PKer you must have a board/broom, the board/broom will help you escape from those mean PKER hunters who want to kill you, you can use any board/broom but the average PKer hunter will have an Ignis Board so you'll need to match that with an Ignis Board of your own. That way those PKer hunters wont be able to catch you as easily and this will save you alot of time. -- Next on the list is your armor. The key to this is to never wear your normal armor that you wear to train/other. No, you'll want to go and buy the best armor that you can afford from the NPCs (non-playable characters). This way if you do die, (which with this guide you wont have that problem) you wont lose anything important. The next thing is to always put all items besides your armor into your bank. Yes, that means all your food and all your penya and all your qwest items. Then buy 500 arrows. This will ensure that you wont even lose your armor if you do die. Now you know all the tools for the job, lets move onto the stratiges. The first stratigy is to always fight those who are 2 levels lower than you or lower. (except mages, ill tell you about them in a bit) That way you should'nt die unless you completly suck! -- Now you never want to fight mages unless they are 4-6 levels lower or lower because its likely that they and INT pures so will probley kill you in one hit unless you are a mage then you can fight any class up to 6 levels higher because you probably own. -- Next is the get away, for this you'll have to practice on it. First lets say im a lvl 30 acrobat and i just killed a lvl 26 mercenary. But then I see a PKer hunter lvl ??. What do I do? well first I get on my Ignis Bourd and just before the bar to get on the bourd is full I jump (that gives you an extra 3 secends of escape time) and rite when I jump it will take me high in the air then a press space bar when it puts me on your bourd which gives me a huge time advatege. Lets say he somehow follows you. -- Then you wait till you get really high in the air and you drop down. Now your thinking ''Hack Man, that will get me KILLED!'' well it would if you didnt do this. When you drop from the sky you need to rite away drag and drop your board into the slot of your inventory so you get back on. This way the PKer hunter who dosent know why did this and drops down with get on his board in mid-air. as soon as it puts you on your board then you hit space bar and boom off in the opposite way you were going and before the PKer hunter can get back on his board... your already gone and he cant catch you. Now let go back to the PK example I had given. What if the person was so close that i could'nt get on my bourd and I might die? -- Well than you run and click on a distant area and then log-out. this way you keep moveing while you log-out. Now that you log-out you wait anywhere from 1-3 mins and then log back into the game get on your board and you will be A-okey. With all these tips you should be able to PK for a long time. You should be able to get to around -3k karma without dieing at all but if you need to know more about PKing, I'll be makeing a Flyff PKing: Advanced for all those hardcore PKers who want to really get in some dedicated PKing. I will also be makeing a Flyff PKer Hunting section for those goody-two-shoes who want to make some pretty nice penya and items. Thank you for reading my post, stay tuned, bye!
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Hack3rs In Stick Arena
Hackers are everywhere in stick arena!!! Hackers are people who use 'hack packs' to tap into the game and mess around. Being on is fun, being around one not so much. Now you all probably want to know HOW to get hack packs but i gotta tell you, they arent always safe on your computer. Lucky you, i found a safe one for free download right here: http://www.plunder.com/Stick-Arena-Trainer-Final-download-9614.htm Arent i nice, but you gotta help me now. You have played stick arena, have a nice little hackpack...do me a big favor and join me and Zach's stick arena clan! (To be explained in my next blog)
[Posted by Nick but im trying to fix my Blog srry]
Are you bored I have found a cool site called bored.com it has entertaining quizess and polls.If you are bored and have nothing better to do you should look at bored. com to find something to do. So look at www.bored.com
[Posted by Steph but im trying to fix my Blog srry]
Skill System for Flyff
Wow in Flyff there is a new skill system ever since Flyff V.7 came out it looks like this. (also to get skill points you need to kill monster withing 10 ranges of your
actual lvl therfore gaining SXP -- it takes about certain amount of kills yo get 0.01% of SXP depending on your lvl also once you get 100.00% SXP you gain 1 only 1 Skill Point)
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actual lvl therfore gaining SXP -- it takes about certain amount of kills yo get 0.01% of SXP depending on your lvl also once you get 100.00% SXP you gain 1 only 1 Skill Point)
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Because of all the complaints of the players in Flyff which you can find those complaints here under the formating they wanted us to do http://flyff.gpotato.com/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=594463 and if you can please contribute to that is if you play Flyff there changing the skill system for now this is how it works when the new one comes out ill let you know but this is there exact words (Update 8: I'm happy to announce that we are currently testing a renovated skill system which we hope to bring to all of you soon. We're going to get all the minor kinks and fixes made , and we'll bring it here for everyone when ready. With that said I'd suggest you all just keep leveling as best as you can until the changes come into play. I will try to get another update with more info on the changes when possible. All threads asking details will be locked until I post them!) thats exactly what they said I no nothing further
Stick Arena
For all you who have not heard of this great game it can be found on http://www.xgenstudios.com/! If you wanna try it out go to 'games' and 'stick arena' on the left. It's nothing to download but takes a second to boot up. Theres alot of 'hackers' in the game. You'll know what i mean when you see them. If you start playing and are intrested in becoming one i'll help you out with a later blog...if i feel like it. o.O
[Posted by Nick but im trying to fix my Blog srry]
[Posted by Nick but im trying to fix my Blog srry]
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Stick Arena Clans - Inuyasha Clan
There are clans in stick arena and most of the time those clans have a website and you haev to go there and do a bunch of stuff for no reason just to be in a clan...without a meaning. But for a limited time only (not really a time limit) you can join the INUYASHA CLAN, which is nicks. His name is INUYASHA,CLAN,KING. If you want to be in just make your name (using hack pack or creating a new account) INUYASHA,CLAN,PAWN. If you talk to him you can change it to INUYASHA,CLAN,ROOK. Later on, if your good, you can go to INUYASHA,CLAN,BISHOP. Really respected members can have the title of INUYASHA,CLAN,KNIGHT. Please don't scam yourself into a higher rank ><. Feel free to put numbers or words after your title to be distinguished. There will be regular meetings. Also tryouts to employ new members. Thank you so much for playing this great game and take into consideration joining our prestegious clan! ^_^
FlyFF (Fly for fun) is an amazing game. It is definitly the type of game runescape players would like. (An MMORPG) Go to http://www.gpotato.com/ and click on FlyFF tab at the top left corner right after the first word that has a weird looking boxy symbol then i says Flyff. Theres alot of diffrent ways to download it i reccomend filefront or fileplanet downloads. If you need help with any of the you can ask people or check the website but theres not much. I'll go over a little bit but i'm just scratching the surface. So go ahead and check this out if you don't wanna read this post forever.
http://www.flyfffansite.com/ or go to http://www.flyffworld.com/
http://www.flyfffansite.com/ or go to http://www.flyffworld.com/
Ok you kill monsters, gain levels, get skills, and stuff like that. It has really good graphics but for those who havent played games like Maple Story or World of Warcraft (WoW) the controls may be confusing at first. Upon becoming level 15 you can change your class or 'job' by completing a quest. The jobs to choose from are as follows: Acrobat, Mage, Mercenary, and Assist. A quick runthrough of each; Acrobats use bows and yo-yo's for a little ranged combat. Mercenanies use swords and axes for fast strong, close ranged melee type attacks. Assists use sticks and knuckles and are more about healing than anything. For all of you who would rather be at a distance and use some colorful spells to annihlate your opponenet pick Mage who base all their stregth on intelligence. And that brings me to...stats! Stats determine how you will fight in battle. Theres STR (strength), STA (Stamina), DEX (Dexterity), and INT (Intellignece). My hand is starting to hurt so i'll skim over each real fast. STR is attack power. STA is defense. DEX is critical %, attack speed, and dodge rate. INT is magic power. (DEX also determines bow users damage). Also once you reach lvl 60 you can be Psychiper (Psy), Elementer (Ele), Ranger, Jester, Ring Master (RM), Bill Poster (BP), Blade, Knight ok well if you were mage at lvl 15 you can become Elementer which only uses staffs and it has 19 skills or you can become Psychiper (Which can levitate) and only uses wands and shileds it has 8 skills most say Psychiper is better im Psy and i agree -- if you were Acrobat then you could become Ranger which only uses bows (bows you have to pay for it 1 penya for 1 bow) and Ranger has 8 skills or you could beome Jester which only uses yo-yo's has 8 skills you will see a lot more Rangers than Jesters tho I myself am going to make my Acro a Ranger so id choose Ranger -- if you were Assist then you could become Ring Master which only uses the stick wepon they have 8 skills or you could become Bill Poster which only uses knuckles and has 8 skills you will see alot more Bill Poster's than Ring Masters but is choose Ring Masters because then you can buff yourself and youd never have to kill anything you will see alot of people trying to find a Ring Master so there you go easy lvling without fighting -- if you were Mercenary then you could become Blade they only use swords but they use 2 swords instead of one like when you were Mercenary they have 8 skills or you could become knight which uses ethir a sword or a axe but they are really big and heavy but to do the good skills you would probably need to get a axe they work better and there stonger id choose blade because you relly dont have to use skills you can just free hit but i dont like knights because there wepons like are in the ground when you stand still so it looks weird to me lol and ~COMING SOON~ well i can't say much more if you want to learn more about the skills and all the classes and see what the skills do and how they work go to the link below
Look at the link below to see what the skill tree looks like.
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-- Click Image To Enlarge --
Saturday, January 20, 2007
DeathMaster Clan
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